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Myths and Facts About Orthodontics

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Orthodontics is the specialized branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, interception, prevention, and correction of crooked or misaligned teeth. Broken into ‘orthos’ (straight in Greek) and ‘dontics’ (teeth), the specialty helps in getting straight teeth, improves appearance, provides a healthy bite, and prevents tooth decay and gum diseases. An orthodontist, the go-to person for orthodontic treatment, uses traditional metal braces, clear aligners, retainers, etc. to treat malocclusion. However, there are several myths about orthodontics, some of which are discussed below along with facts to debunk them.

Myth: Orthodontics is purely cosmetic

Fact: Orthodontic treatment helps you get a perfect smile and has an impact on appearance. But this becomes possible only when the bite is set right and the teeth are straightened. And bite correction has far more impact than only cosmetic changes. It helps prevent several dental issues such as plaque, tooth decay, gum diseases, chewing difficulties as well as speech impediments. 

Myth: Orthodontics is for children and teens

Fact: Orthodontics is not advisable for children until they have lost all of their baby teeth and have a fully developed adult jawline. As for teens, it helps them in getting well-aligned teeth from a young age. But there is no age limit for adults undergoing orthodontic treatment. Misaligned teeth can be corrected at any age, especially with clear aligners.

Myth: Orthodontic treatment takes too much time

Fact: Every treatment takes its own time based on its complexity. Just assuming orthodontic treatment will take more time without evaluating the depth of the situation would not be a wise decision. For an ideal estimate of the possible duration of the treatment, it is advisable to visit an orthodontist. 

Myth: Orthodontic treatment is expensive

Fact: The cost of orthodontic treatment depends on the severity of the issue. Most orthodontists and providers offer multiple packages to suit the needs and the pocket of a patient. There are complimentary add-ons in the packages along with flexible payment options, as well. Choosing a cheaper treatment at the cost of dental health would not be a great idea.

Myth: Family dentist can straighten teeth

Fact: Dentists help patients get a healthier smile through cleanings, extractions, and surgery, while orthodontists specialize in teeth and jaw alignments. Although some dentists might be equipped to treat mild teeth alignment issues, it is better to seek specialized treatment for moderate to severe malocclusion. Orthodontists undergo extra years of training post the regular dental course to treat such cases.

It is important to know the myths and facts about any treatment procedure before going for it because wrong information could do more harm than good. For more clarity on the different aspects of orthodontics, book your first in-person consultation with an OrthoFX orthodontist. 


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FXTetra Bright retainer material that makes your teeth appear naturally whiter and cleaner

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