Can I Get Clear Aligners on Bottom Teeth?

Clear aligners apply pressure to move your crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth from their original position to a desired one. The process results in perfectly aligned or straightening teeth and gives you a healthy and beautiful smile. It also solves a number of problems such as speech impairment, bite, chewing, and breathing issues, and takes care of overall oral hygiene. Now, by saying misaligned teeth and their correction, we mostly refer to upper teeth. But what if there’s a glitch in the bottom teeth, and it needs to get straightened? Can clear aligners do the job? The answer is yes, and here’s how to go about it…
Bottom teeth and malocclusion
Crooked bottom teeth are generally the result of overcrowding. Hence, despite straight upper teeth, sometimes your smile gets affected due to the misaligned bottom teeth. Some of the common causes for misaligned bottom teeth are:- Your mouth is too small
- You lower jaw is narrow
- Early loss of milk teeth
- Your upper jaw and lower jaw are not aligned to each other
- Childhood habits such as thumb sucking and overuse of pacifiers
- Jaw injury