5 Common Teeth Problems an Orthodontist Can Fix

For most people, orthodontic is synonymous with teeth straightening with braces. However, orthodontics is not just about correcting the alignment of your teeth and providing you with a beautiful smile, but a good orthodontist can correct malocclusion (bad bites), spacing and crowding of teeth using multiple treatments methods. Here are a few teeth problems that your orthodontist can fix:
Straightening uneven jaw
The jaw joint or TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is an essential part of your mouth. Misaligned jaws not only cause malocclusion but also can create pain and discomfort. If you have an uneven jaw joint, it may hinder the proper functioning of your teeth and even have side effects, such as headaches, facial and ear pains and tinnitus. In severe conditions, orthodontists use orthognathic surgery to correct it. This procedure helps move the upper jaw forward or backwards as per the requirement. This surgery is usually used in combination with orthodontic treatment methods, such as braces or clear aligners.
Avoiding periodontal issues
If you have crooked, crowded or protruding teeth, brushing your teeth is a task. Due to the multiple overlaps and twisting, it may not be easy to floss your teeth either. Hence, people with misaligned teeth have a high chance of getting periodontal issues such as gum disease. Gum disease is usually the result of poor oral hygiene. So, by undergoing an orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth with clear aligners, you are also avoiding the risk of getting periodontitis/gum disease.
Correcting crowding
When there’s not enough room in the top and bottom arch of the jaws, teeth crowding happens. Crowding may result in twisting of teeth, teeth overlap or teeth protruding as the new teeth try to squeeze in the available space. Not only are crowded teeth harder to clean but also affect your overall appearance. Teeth crowding can also cause tooth decay and gum disease, hence it’s best to treat it as early as possible. Orthodontists use a variety of methods to correct crowding, the most popular one these days being clear aligner treatment. OrthoFX clear aligners help in treating overcrowded teeth by pushing the teeth slowly into their proper position.
Reducing spacing
If your front teeth have large gaps in between, you have a teeth spacing issue. This condition is common amongst children due to thumb sucking or tongue thrusting. The improper spacing not only looks unattractive but also can cause food particles to accumulate in the gap. Diastema, the obvious gap between two front teeth, can be easily corrected with braces and clear aligners. Both treatments use gentle pressure to the teeth to gradually close the gaps in between.
Underbite treatment
An underbite is when your lower teeth extend outward farther than the upper teeth. This tooth issue usually happens when the lower and upper jaw grows at different rates. People with underbite may suffer from issues with their chewing, speaking and may even have sleep apnea. This condition can be easily treated at your nearest orthodontic clinic. If it is severe you might have to undergo surgery; it may even require you to wear braces or clear aligners after the surgery to correct it perfectly. However, there are minor cases that can be treated just with braces and clear aligners.