bridal dental makeover

Clear Aligners and Wedding

bridal dental makeover

Veronica has waited for her D-day for almost a year, toiling day and night to ensure everything looks picture perfect at her wedding. From the wedding dress to the exact number of flowers in the bouquet and from make-up to the hairdo that would look best — she had it all well-planned months in advance. Hence, it is but obvious that the kind of perfectionist that Veronica is, she will definitely not settle for anything less than a perfect smile on her wedding day. And she shouldn’t have either, we say!

The wedding day is special for every girl and the pictures taken on that day would be treasured for a lifetime. So why settle for an average smile with crooked/misaligned teeth on such a beautiful occasion? To get her smile corrected, Veronica chose to wear clear aligners after discussing with her orthodontist. The moment she and her fiancé had decided on a tentative date, Veronica took an appointment with her doctor and got examined for all her teeth alignment issues. She has had moderate-level malocclusion since childhood but never got around to correct it. Armed with 3D scans and X-rays of her teeth and jaws, the doctor immediately started her treatment with clear aligners.

Teeth-straightening with clear aligners is one of the most non-invasive procedures. The transparent trays slip onto the teeth to straighten them and barely let others know about it. Veronica started wearing the clear aligners, one set per week and the changes were visible pretty early on. However, she was skeptical about wearing them on her wedding day. But her orthodontist assured her that no one would notice it. Veronica trusted him and went ahead with the plan. As she stepped out in her pristine white gown and with the most beautiful smile on her face, neither the guests nor her fiancé could take their eyes off her. And the photographs are a testament to the gorgeous sight that she was. Not only were people in awe of her look, but they also could not stop complimenting her beautiful, near-perfect smile. And the best part was, Veronica wore her clear aligners all the while and not a single soul could figure it.

Weddings are one of the most important events in our lives. So why spoil it by sulking over misaligned teeth. After all, the wedding pictures are memories to be cherished forever. Straightening your teeth with clear aligners is one of the most comfortable ways to do it. Once you settle on a date to get hitched, plan your treatment and smile your way down the aisle.


Our Products

clear teeth aligners

Aligner Treatment

Your doctor will advice on the best treatment option for you. We support mild to comprehensive treatment complexities

oral care - OrthoFX

Retainer Subscription

FXTetra Bright retainer material that makes your teeth appear naturally whiter and cleaner

smile aligners

Try It Kit

Your doctor will advise on the best treatment option for you.We support mild to comprehensive treatment complexities


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