home oral care

5 Things You Need to Know About At-Home Oral Health Care

home oral care

For most hygiene-conscious people, keeping the teeth in top condition has always been a priority. If you are anything like us, you would take it a notch higher and ensure that along with the teeth, all other parts inside the mouth are clean and free of infections, to achieve perfect oral health. Cleaning your teeth twice a day helps in clearing off plaque and avoiding the risk of cavities, but there is more to brushing than what we perceive. Let’s take a look at how perfect oral health is achieved by adding simple tasks to your daily brushing routine. 

Use the right brush 

The toothbrush you use makes the whole difference. A brush that makes your gums bleed needs to be avoided at all costs. Always use a soft-bristled small-headed brush that is multi-tufted and can easily move around your mouth without causing pain or irritation. Always go for one that has a strong grip. Just remember, your toothbrush needs to be replaced at least every three months. You can also ask your dentist for a demonstration if you are still unsure whether your method of brushing is right.

Cut down on sugar 

Who doesn’t like sugary treats? But, with sugar comes a variety of dental issues, such as tooth decay and cavities. People who can’t resist sugar often suffer from bacterial infections on their teeth, as bacteria feed on the sugar and carbohydrates that you consume. Bacterial infections can destroy the enamel of your teeth and eventually can turn them into cavities. Bacteria digs deep into the tooth and creates a hole, which may cause pain and if untreated, tooth loss. Avoid sweets and snacks in between meals, instead, make them a part of your main meal. 

Use fluoride, avoid teeth decay

A chemical used extensively in toothpaste and dental care, fluoride prevents tooth decay and even treats it in the early stages. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends drinking plenty of fluoridated water and using ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste to stay clear of cavities. You can also go for professional fluoride treatments to keep your oral health intact. Brush twice a day with good fluoride toothpaste and keep infections at bay.

Floss to toss plaque

Trusting your toothbrush to do all the teeth cleaning work is not a smart move. The toothbrush doesn’t reach the places between teeth, hence, we must do flossing at least once a day. Plaque that’s stuck in between teeth is the most dangerous as it may lead to tooth decay and even gum disease. Flossing plays an important part in oral hygiene so don’t neglect this routine ever.  

Consult your dentist now and then

Frequenting your dentist for advice is not a bad idea at all. No one can clean your teeth better than a professional. During these visits, you can also get to know whether your oral health is fine. If you notice bleeding gums, cavities, lumps or ulcers, inform your dentist to avoid risks later on. We should treat a cavity at the onset itself rather than waiting for it to turn into an infection that requires a root canal treatment.




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